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Hamilton Angling & Hunting Association

Guest Policy December 2024

HAHA appreciates members may like to share the Club and its Ranges with family and friends.  HAHA offers Guest privileges to all Members and Hosts are asked to observe the following requirements.

  • 1.     All Guests must complete the appropriate Guest Form upon arrival at the Club.  Guest Forms are available in the Clubhouse hallway. Forms are to be deposited into the provided receptacle.
  • 2.     Each guest is required to pay a Guest fee of $10.00. Fees are to be deposited in the provided receptacle.
  • 3.     An individual shall not attend the Club as a Guest more than 3 times in a given year.
  • 4.     Host members are to ensure Guests are aware of, and adhere to, all applicable Club Rules and Policies.
  • 5.     Guests must be supervised by the Host member, who shall be responsible for their Conduct at all times.
  • 6.     Action range guests must meet equivalent qualifications as Host members unless otherwise arranged with Section Chair. 

Host Members are reminded that HAHA is run by the efforts of Volunteers and the funds provided by all Members. Please act accordingly and ensure the Club and its Ranges are left ready for the next shooter and be attentive to all Policies including replacement of target backings, refilling of clay targets, painting of specialty targets, etc.

Failure to follow the Guest policy will result in removal of Guest privileges and possible disciplinary action.

For further clarification contact an Executive member. For clarification/questions regarding use of a specific Range contact the appropriate Section Chair.

Hamilton Angling and Hunting Association is a not-for-profit organization. 

1317 Alberton Rd. S., Alberton, ON    L9G 4X2.  

Hamilton Anglers & Hunters Association Copyright 2015-2022

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